Smarter Finances = Enjoy Your Life Again!
“I help you make smart decisions about your money
so you can start enjoying your life again.”
-Setu Mazumdar, MD, CFP®, RICP®
Dear Fellow Physician and Friend,
Welcome to Physician Wealth Solutions!
I'm Setu Mazumdar, MD, CFP®, RICP® and I’m a financial planner and investment advisor for physicians, and owner of Physician Wealth Solutions, a registered investment advisor. I'm also a physician myself. Through financial planning and investment management, I help physicians make smarter decisions about your money.
Face it:
Practicing Medicine Is Already Tough!
Not Having a Financial Plan Can Make It Even Tougher.
Because I’m also a physician, I’ve experienced firsthand the financial, career, and lifestyle challenges and frustrations you face.
I retired from practicing medicine before age 40 so in my opinion I know what it takes to start solving the financial and investment challenges and frustrations you face -- and I’m excited to help you do that as well.
I have a FREE gift for you: Your FREE Financial Coaching Consultation.
In this session we’ll review your finances and investments, point out mistakes you might be making, and create an action plan to start fixing those mistakes. We’ll also figure out whether we want to work together and have me be your financial coach.
Learn more about the consultation and how you can sign up by clicking here: FREE Financial Consultation.
Does this sound familiar?
You’re repeatedly blamed for the rising cost of health care and events you have no control over
You’re held to a standard of perfection almost no other occupation is held to
You feel like you're accused of being a “rich doctor” who makes “too much money” and who isn’t paying your “fair share” in taxes
You’re the scapegoat for bad patient outcomes
Someone else is controlling what you get paid
You’re threatened repeatedly with paycuts and potential lawsuits
You’re drowning in regulations and paperwork and clicking on computers all day long -- and you’re sick of it
I know how you feel -- I've been there.
In my opinion, if you get your personal finances and investments in order, you may be able to practice medicine on your terms (or walk away), and perhaps reduce some of that stress and anxiety from your life.
Start getting an action plan in place with your finances and investments!
Start by signing up for your FREE Financial Coaching Consultation.
Answer These 10 Questions
Do you feel like you've lost your autonomy in medicine and have control over almost nothing?
Are you frustrated with the endless paperwork, government and insurance company bureaucracy, and the hassles of electronic medical records?
Do the threats of paycuts and lawsuits make you sweat?
Are you getting burned out from practicing medicine and wish you could cut down on your workload if you had the financial means to do so?
Are you tired of being blamed for rising health care costs and being accused of not paying your "fair share" in taxes and making too much money?
Do you lack a clear direction or a systematic process for managing your investments and finances?
Have you made big financial and investing mistakes by managing your investment portfolio by yourself?
Are you dissatisfied with the investment advice from your current financial adviso, or feel like he might not be acting in your best interest, might be selling you expensive investment products, not relating to you as a physician, might not be giving you objective investment advice, or has an investment philosophy that doesn't make sense to you?
Do you want to start getting your financial life in order by simplifying and organizing it?
Do you want to work with a financial planner who is also a physician, who charges you fees directly, does not sell any financial or investment products, is a fiduciary, acts in your best interest, gives you objective advice, and has an investment philosophy that is based on academic science not guesswork and speculation?
If you answered Yes to any of those questions, then you've come to the right place because I've helped physicians like you with their personal, financial, and investment challenges.
It starts with getting your FREE Financial Consultation with me so we can learn about your concerns and frustrations, discuss your goals, and start coming up with an action plan to make smarter money decisions.
In My Opinion Doctors Want These 5 Outcomes:
Build up enough wealth so you can work on your terms
Freedom to enjoy other aspects in life besides just practicing medicine
A simplified and organized financial life
A plan of action and systematic process for making financial decisions
Reaching a point in life where you find that work may be optional not mandatory
How do you start working toward all of this? It begins with having a financial coach who will hold you accountable for your financial decisions.
Don’t be like many physicians who are stuck in the mud with their finances, make no progress, get stressed out over money, and wonder why they’re still working full time in their 60s. It’s time to take control of your finances and investments and get them in order.
Check out this website, my story and the services I offer and then sign up for your FREE Financial Consultation.
I’ll talk to you soon!